Friday, January 25, 2013

After Careful Reconsideration: by Desmond

I think that it’s just like any other state of Hip-Hop when talking about the artists, I mean, we got the good things and the bad things, too bad that most of the people only want to take a look at the bad things that we have now and only see the good things that we had once
But when talking about the relation between the fans and the music things can get contradictory. It’s a state where at the same point that a lot of new MCs emerge, some fans loose the interest for this new generation, usually saying that the old Hip-Hop was better and that there’s nothing good about the music nowadays
I deeply disagree with these thoughts, I honestly think that people need to stop crying about: “Oh, the past was better”, because this is a bitter old man talk, like it was said before, Hip-Hop hasn’t faced this versatility in a while and this is a really good point, it means that there are more and more people interested in this kind of music
Every music genre needs to move on, music isn't supposed to be static, we gotta renew our perspectives, specially in Hip-Hop, where being relevant and updated is necessary. I think that the beats are the best example: just take a look at the Old School beats, the Golden Age beats, then at the beats from 1995 to 2006 and then from 2007 to these days. In these 30 years, there was an adaption to the new ideas, the new tastes, the new demands. Also, we need to remember that most of the classics are only considered classics because they were innovative if Rakim didn't flip the sense that people had about what was Hip-Hop, do you think that he would be that successful?
Things have changed a lot and life is simply like this: you gotta renew your thoughts, you gotta move on, everything is supposed to suffer an evolution, it’s a natural order. Anyone who pretends that everything was still like it was in the 80’s/90’s is simply sad, because they just got frozen in time, basically, they died and weren’t buried
Anyone who disagrees with me could just stop for a moment and ask: if people didn't adapt to new things would I be here reading this in my personal computer?
Anyway, I am not saying that we should forget everything about the past and only care about the new (Really no, I got love for the older Hip-Hop songs). I think that we, as the Hip-Hop community, got to preserve the old, keep it alive, remember about the classics, don’t let our structures be forgotten, but, still, valorize the new and conceal the contrast between the past, the present and the future.

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